Class GetTransactionDetails


Used to invoke the GetExpressCheckoutDetails Operation

Located in /gettransactiondetails.php (line 25)

Method Summary
 void execute ()
 void setParams (string $TransactionID)
execute (line 70)

Executes the GetTransactionDetails Operation

Prepares the final message and the calls the Webservice operation. If it is successfull the response is registered and the OperationStatus is set to true, otherwise the Operation status will be set to false and an Exception of the type soapFault will be registered instead.

  • access: public
  • throws: SoapFault
void execute ()
setParams (line 55)

Prepares the message to be sent

This method prepares the message containing the TransactionID to be sent to the Paypal Web service

  • access: public
void setParams (string $TransactionID)
  • string $TransactionID

Inherited Methods

Inherited From PaypalAPI


Documentation generated on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 20:59:01 -0800 by phpDocumentor 1.3.1